Aundre Speciale

Aundre Speciale


Aundre Speciale began her lifelong love and dedication to cannabis advocacy in 1990 when her neighbor Jack Herer invited her to join him on the Hemp Bus. They toured California promoting hemp for fuel, food, fiber, fun, and medicine. For the last several decades Aundre has tirelessly advocated on behalf of the cannabis plant through community cultivation and organizing, and in 2004 she opened one of the first of many dispensaries in California. She implemented a legacy dispensary model that focused on compassion, patient services, and community responsibility. Her inclusive and welcoming way of dispensing cannabis includes opening community centers and working closely with community organizers and city officials. Aundre’s work within the industry continues to inspire women, create enlightened cannabis policy, and fund major cannabis research and reform projects. Aundre and her two adult children, Electra and Will, are currently operating one of the country’s oldest dispensaries CBCB in Berkley, California, which has been a community pillar since 1996.